Aug 22, 2009

One of my favorite, interactive, dog toys

Anyone who's ever worked with me knows I'm big on getting people to engage their dog and to teach them how to play with interactive dog toys so the dog has something to do and has a way of engaging him or her self when you're not ready to throw a tennis ball for two hours. Here's Hudson, a less than one year old Golden Retriever (a sexy, sexy, dog) figuring out that if he knocks the Twist n' Treat around kibble will fall out.

Aug 1, 2009

I love my dog...

OMG I"m so in love with my dog. I want to marry her.......and it's not like I have any better offers, so.......
Olive is the easiest and the most mellow dog I've ever had. She is a big on cuddling and lounging. We should all have an Olive in our lives; there's be no more wars or stress....